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The method of project financing is one of the key issues in the investment process. An accurate evaluation of investment outlays, site operating costs and business proceeds minimise the risk of failure of the planned undertaking. Trasko assists its clients in evaluating the degree of investment risk and suggests solutions that take into account the specific needs of the client's business.


The investor's capital involvement is not required during the investment process. Trasko Invest assumes the burden of financing the investment and offers site lease or rent. The suggested operating fees are adjusted to the client's financial capabilities in view of the proceeds generated. Clients who pay leasing instalments can acquire the ownership rights to the site under a long-term lease contract. Trasko-Inwest assumes the full risk related to the investment realization to let you focus on your business..

Contact us - we will advise You

Call us: +48 62 732 20 00

E-mail: invest@trasko.pl

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