Development and support

Trasko-Inwest applies advanced logistic technologies to shorten at most the development process. The following sites confirm it:

  • Exhibition building at the 25th Poznań International Trade Fair, 67 m span without supports,
  • Panopa Logistic - building with the area of 14 000 m2, constructed in three months in the winter season,
  • Auchan Płock - building with the area of 26 000 m2, constructed in six and a half months.


Is it important to you that the quality of developed sites guarantees their faultless operation? Is it important to you that post-warrantee support is offered and faults are repaired directly? We offer free support services. We are not afraid of maintenance costs because we are certain of the high quality of our services. Our involvement does not end with the expiry of the warrantee period.

Contact us - we will advise You

Call us: +48 62 732 20 00

E-mail: invest@trasko.pl

© 2025  |  TRASKO INVEST sp. z o.o.
Project and realization MYKK